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Rules & Regulations and Affidavit for Volunteer Member of Bharat Suraksha Parisad

01- The volunteer members must be dedicated and devoted without any wasted interest, in the favour of public and nation and work as volunteer in Bharat Suraksha Parishad and will take the membership according to the rules (4B & C) Act of Bharat Suraksha Parishad with prescribed annual membership fee for three years as Rs. 3000/- ( Rs. 1000 per year) The member has to pay also Rs. 5000/- once as a security money which is refundable after completion of contract. The membership fee as well as security money will be paid through a draft payable to Bharat Suraksha Parishad, Varanasi.

02- The member will work very sincerely and honestly deputed by the Bharat Suraksha Parishad.

03- The member must having the good moral character with well reputation and good relation with high profile person in the society.

04- The member should neither be punished nor any involvement in any corruption and crimes in previous record.

05- The member should maintain the mutual relationship and co-operation amongst the government and people to maintain the unity and integrity and peace in the country.

06- Every volunteer have to apply their form byself or online. If member does not perform the duty to the norms or found working of the duty or found in any anti-organization act, within 3 months, may be suspended without any hesitation with immediate effect. The candidate will not have any objection regarding the suspension.

07- The age of the applicant should not less than 21 years and not more than 50 years at the time of applying in the organization. The candidate must have passed graduation from any recognized university.

08- Every member/volunteer has to make 2000 members (1500 general members and 500 special member) which is very compulsory.

09- The membership fees fixed by "Bharat Suraksha Parishad" is Rs. 250/- as ordinary member and Rs. 1000/- for special member annually.

10- In the condition when membership is not completed by any volunteer, it will be presumed that he is not filling the norms of the organization. In such condition the package of Rs. 1 lacs will be abolished. If a member has made some membership. Then he will get 13.34% for general member and 10% for special member as bonus from the organization.

11- The 30 volunteer members will be appointed in every district of all the states. The number may be increased or reduced on the discretion "Bharat Suraccha Parishad" on which nobody will object.

12- In any controversy, the legal procedure will be done in varanasi.

13- If any member perform the work more than the norms provided may get 25% on extra work.

14- It is compulsory to make 2000 (Two Thousand) Members within a year which is applied from the date of joining of applicant of
volunteer member in which 1500 ( One Thousand Five Hundred) general and 500 (Five Hundred ) Special members are included.
The rules of joining & cancellation for membership of C.P.I.B.

Special Members

Anyone can get the membership as special members by paying Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand Only) yearly plus Rs. 1,000/- Processing Fees but he/she must be fulfill the following eligibilities:-
a). Completed the age of 21 years.
b). Passed the graduation.
c). Accept the aims & objects of organisation.
d). Not involve in any Criminal activities.
e). Reputed person of the area.
f). Capable to perform the works of organisation (See rule 5-B)

General Members

Anyone can get the membership as general member by paying Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only ) yearly with fulfill the above eligibilities (See rule 5-C).

Honourary Member

Capable to do works of organisation with acceptance of rules & regulations and following eligibilities:-
a). Anyone who has get any award of honour by government.
b). Any I.A.S., I.P.S., P.C.S., P.P.S., or equivalent Post- Present or retired.
c). Too much reputed person of the area. (See rule 5-D).

Cancellation of membership of .C.P.I.B.

a). In case of death.
b). In case of mental disorders.
c). In case of default.
d). In case of punishment by judiciary.
e). In case of declaration as traitor by government or any court.
f). In case of non payment of prescribed fee.
g). In Case of perform works against decision.
h). In case of non compliance of orders.
i). In case of to do acts against the aims of organisation.
j). In case of proved indiscipline.(See Rule ­ 6 ).
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