
The establishment & recognition of C.P.I.B.
The Crime Prevention Investigation Bureau (C.P.I.B) was established in the year 1998 to prevent the public from crime and corruption which are happening in the country time to time as necessary and to report facts to the judiciary and related administrative departments. The C.P.I.B also functions to maintain the unity and integrity the country as well as the mutual co-operation with government and administration. Authorised under clause by Government of India and State of Uttar Pradesh Registration Rules 1975 G.O.No. 2957 Dated 16.11.1998 vide No. 732/98-99 and Honourable High Court- Allahabad Decision WR.P.No.-33816/18785 Dated 02.11.2001 as a Non Government Detective Agency for work in all over india.
Aims & Objectives of C.P.I.B.
01- In the National interest and public welfare: To alert and ensure the people from the begining of criminal activities in the all States of India and raise concess of people from them. To investigate the matters and inform to government, administration and judiciary for taking necessary action.
02- To unceasingly settle by examining, control and prevetion for use and sale of contraband drugs and other revelled items i.e. anti norcotics, control several crimes, corruption in the country. To make an effort and inform of the work for development and analysis of related matter to govemment, administration and judiciary to adequate planning and necessary action.
03-To unceasingly effort for several types of alertness and cleverness for dignify to united India and each states of it for peace, unity and security.
04-To report and inform government, administration and judiciary about disturbing law and order, discipline, fraudulence against national development ,mixing activites, sale of fake items, sale and manufacturing of artificial goods(items), transmitting and printing procedure of duplicate and sexual appetite papers,embezzler of revenue in several items,sale of goods on excess price, attempt to damage of government economy or money, persons who are protector of criminals, several plannings to furnish unlawful acts by companies, factories, organizations, bureaucrats, diplomatic and financial committees.
05-To unceacingly efforts for co-operation and shorten distance between our bureau and government, administration and judiciary and public relationship.
06-To come out in front of security of human rights, self alertness and create alertness among civilians about it and work for its in each states of India. To investigate in the matter of deny of human rights and immediately reporting to take action by government, administration, judiciary and human right commission.
07-To establishing, organising and executing the branches, special branches and enquiring them time to time in several parts of country on necessity basis for development of bureau.
08-To unceasingly control on environmental pollution in the country, well planned working for its and informing to government, administration about planning and advises in the related matter and also organising rallies, seminars, meetings etc.
09-To opening, establishing & directing several lypos of educational training centres such as schools, colleges, degree colleges and higher educational centres and technical institutes etc. in the several parts of country for children of members delegates, workers, employees of bureau and poor families, To prizing the brilliant student and also free publication about literature of bureau on time to time.
10-To establishing libraries and reading centres in several parts of Country and organising, promoting, directing about sports for members, delegates, workers and employees on each level.
The special information about present project of work of Bharat Suraksha Parishad. - the basic organisation of C.P.I.B.
The Crime Prevention, Investigation Bureau - (C.P.I.B) itself and his basic organisation Bharat Suraksha Parishad search the intellect persons from all over the country and make them able according to norms of aim and object by giving fixed and disciplined training after screening of their social educational and personal character status. After that the work & duties are deputed according to their ability by which they collectively maintain the mutual co-operation in between government, administration and public so that the unity, integrity, security and peace may be maintained.
The Basic Organisation Bharat Suraksha Parisad invites the application for 30 Volunteers from each districts of all states of India.The appointment of the volunteers will be based on contract for three years with the package of Rs. 1,00,000 per year.
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